EQUAL Health Network
The Affordable Care Act: Text and Summaries
The Affordable Care Act: Text and Summaries
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The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
On March 23, 2010, the President signed the Affordable Care Act.  The final law encompasses 3 pieces of legislation: HR 3590 (Public Law 11-148), amended by HR 4872 (Public Law 111-152), and final amendments. 
The links below present:  
The Laws

A compilation of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care
Act (‘‘PPACA’’; Public Law 111–148) consolidating the amendments
made by title X of the Act and the Health Care and Education Reconciliation
Act of 2010 (‘‘HCERA’’; Public Law 111–152).
Preparation of document.—This document was prepared by
the attorneys and staff of the House Office of the Legislative Counsel
(HOLC) for the use of its attorneys and clients. It is not an official
document of the House of Representatives or its committees
and may not be cited as ‘‘the law’’. At the request of the Leadership,
it is being made available to the public through Congressional
websites and may be downloaded at


 Please email any corrections to hlccomments@mail.house.gov. This document (originally dated May 24, 2010) may be updated to reflect corrections of errors or subsequent changes in law.
United States Code citations.—United States Code section
numbers assigned to sections in PPACA are specified in brackets
after the section numbers in the heading of each section, viz., 2711
[42 U.S.C. 300gg–11].
The text of the Indian Health Care Improvement Reauthorization and Extension Act of 2009 (S. 1790), as enacted (in amended form) by section
10221 of PPACA, is shown in a separate document.



The following sites offer a comprehensive set of materials regarding the newly-passed health reform legislation. They include links to the legislative text, general and detailed summaries prepared by staff, summaries addressed to particular groups, states, or issues, and links to other sources of information.


The White House, HHS


Important new site with updates, videos, detailed reports on specific aspects of the law, by demographic group, and location. Reports from the White House, Department of Health and Human Services.


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi


Excellent list of resources: videos of major events, links to bill text, summaries and fact sheets, specific provisions, information for specific groups and each Congressional district. Includes links to key Congressional health care committees.


Majority Leader Steny Hoyer


Includes Pelosi’s list plus additional important resources such as the section-by-section summary of the final bill. Includes links to major policy analysis and advocacy organizations. Health reform clearinghouse archive includes virtually all of the major House documents on reform as well as all of the major CBO documents.


The Senate Democratic Policy Committee:


A set of documents including bill text and summaries, and analysis of state-by-state impacts.

EQUAL Health Network, San Francisco Presidio, PO Box 29586, San Francisco, CA 94129