The American Public Health Association resolution describes
threats to global health and equity posed by the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) and the Free Trade Area of
the Americas (FTAA). The resolution calls for action to advance the interests of population health including: establishing
a commission with the mandate to explore the impact of free trade agreements on population health and the public health infrastructure
before further liberalization of trade through GATS, FTAA, or bilateral agreements; alternative proposals such as the Fair
Trade Agreement of the Americas to promote trade agreements that advance the interests of population health, including international
labor rights and safe working conditions; and encouraging the alliance of public health professionals and affiliates across
international borders to advance such alternatives.
Click here for APHA Policy Statement
The California Conference
of Local Health Officers (CCLHO), which includes the state, county and city health officers who are responsible for
safeguarding health at the community level, passed a strong resolution in 2004 addressing the impact of globalization on community
health in California,
and calling for public health accountability. CPATH provided technical support and strategic collaboration.
Click here for CCLHO Position Statement
The National Association of City and County Health Officers
(NACCHO) position statement, adopted in October, 2004, calls for action on trade and health.
Click here for NACCHO Position Statement
CPATH provided support to physicians who worked with the American Medical Association (AMA) Board of Trustees to issue a report calling for trade agreements to protect
public health and medical services. The report was adopted by the AMA’s governing body (House of Delegates) and is now
official AMA policy.
Click here for AMA Position Statement
Water Privatization:
Elected Officials - In April 2004, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors
unanimously passed a resolution in support of the Ghana National Coalition Against Privatization (NCAP) of Water's efforts
to keep water publicly accountable, and in commendation of Rudolf Amenga-Etego,
leader of the NCAP, who was in the United States as a recipient of the 2004 Goldman Environmental Prize.

Click here for San Francisco Supervisors Resolution