Related Organizations
Executive Branch: United States Trade Representative (USTR)
U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC)
US Department of Agriculture (USDA)
Link to USDA Advisory Committees
U.S. Congress
House of Representatives – Key Committees:
Ways and Means
Government Reform
International Relations
U.S. Senate
– Key Committees:
Health, Education, Labor, & Pensions
Foreign Relations
Public Health and Health Care Organizations
active on global trade and health:
American Cancer Society
American College of Preventive Medicine
American Medical Association
American Nurses Association
American Public Health Association
California Public Health Association-North
Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL)
Chinese Progressive Association
Physicians for Social Responsibility
Public Health and Social Justice
Fair Trade Advocacy and Information Organizations
American Friends Service Committee - Trade Matters
Citizens Trade Campaign
Food and Water Watch
Friends of the Earth
Global Trade Watch
Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP)
Oxfam America
Public Citizen
Sierra Club
ActionAid International
Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives
Polaris Institute
South Centre
Third World Network
Access to Medicines:
Center for Science in the Public Interest
Knowledge Ecology International (KEI)
Doctors Without Borders/Medicins San Frontieres (MSF)
Essential Action
Health GAP (Global Access Project)
Oxfam America
Physicians for Human Rights (PHR)
Treatment Action Campaign
Globalization and Ethics
Global Policy Innovations
Corporations and Health
Corporations and Health Watch
- More Publications Coming Soon!
WHO and WTO Joint Study: WTO Agreements and Public Health.
Click here to download Joint Study
Globalization and Health (Journal)
Trade agreements challenge tobacco, alcohol controls
The link above goes to the following article in Drug and Alcohol
Review (November 2006), 25, 567
– 579:
International trade agreements challenge tobacco and alcohol control policies
DONALD W. ZEIGLER, Office of Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drug Abuse Prevention,
American Medical Association, Chicago, IL, USA
Abstract: This report reviews aspects of trade agreements that challenge tobacco
and alcohol control policies. Trade agreements reduce barriers, increase competition, lower prices and promote consumption.
Conversely, tobacco and alcohol control measures seek to reduce access and consumption, raise prices and restrict advertising
and promotion in order to reduce health and social problems. However, under current and pending international agreements,
negotiated by trade experts without public health input, governments and corporations may challenge these protections as constraints
on trade. Advocates must recognise theinherent conflicts between free trade and public health and work to exclude alcohol
and tobacco from trade agreements. The Framework Convention on Tobacco Control has potential to protect tobacco policies and
serve as a model for alcohol control.